Category: Teams

Productivity at work

Productivity at work

Working from home (WFH). It’s now a well-known, accepted acronym in UK-wide organisations. We know what it is, and what it means. But does it impact productivity at work? These three letters, with their dramatic impact on our personal and professional lives, have...

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Unconventional Leadership

Unconventional Leadership

As we progress through our careers, many of us develop our leadership style as we go. In fact, this approach is so widely used that it is sometimes a common assumption that we only need a single way of leading based on our personal preference. Research indicates...

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Developing Skills and Knowledge with Action Learning

Developing Skills and Knowledge with Action Learning

In the 1980s, pioneering management consultant Reg Revans published his two most famous books, The Origins and Growth of Action Learning in 1982 and ABC of Action Learning in 1983. These publications made him one of the most well-known and sought-after figures in...

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Managing conflict in the workplace

Managing conflict in the workplace

Over recent weeks, I have been talking at length about the different personalities and dynamics that we come across in any working environment and today I'm going to broaden that out to look at managing conflict. The fact is that everyone is different, and has their...

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Team building across the miles

Team building across the miles

The phrase team building has a warm, inclusive feel about it. It conjures up images of victorious World Cup winners or athletes celebrating a record haul of gold medals at the Olympics. The archetypal pictures of hijinks in the locker room and sports stars carrying...

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