Leadership Development
Leadership is a word that for many of us is loaded with often conflicting meaning. The expectations we place on leaders and managers at any level within an organisation can be heavy and often require abilities spanning empathy and emotional intelligence, to leading others through change and navigating complexity, through communication and being able to build narrative.
For any individual seeking to succeed in a management or leadership position, delivering all of this whilst also successfully navigating the ambiguity of the modern world can be challenging.
Achieving this whilst also maintaining a level of personal wellbeing and compassion and creating environments for others to do the same is truly complex.
Working within your context
Successful leadership in one organisation may not work well in another. Your culture, strategy, business needs and current conditions will all impact the development needs of your managers and leaders. For this reason, the programmes I design and build draw from years of previous experience working with leaders in more than 20 countries in a way that applies this to your unique circumstances.
I have built and delivered development interventions focussed on a wide range of topic areas:
Wellbeing, personal and emotional development
Developing coaching capability
Working across silos and embracing difference
Handling conflict and challenging conversations
Change leadership
Systemic thinking
Accelerated development and coaching interventions
Team leadership and development
Through all of these areas my focus is always on resourcing the managers and leaders I work with to increase their bottom line impact – whether that measure is linked to financial performance, care provision or anything between.
Blended Approach
I work in partnership with IMHR across my leadership programmes and work, meaning that I am able to build and host online learning to enhance the experience of participants. This aids in many ways, from allowing a self-driven approach to learning backed up by facilitated group sessions to enabling the management of larger groups or cohorts through complex programmes.