Tag: behaviour

Collaboration at work

Collaboration at work

Everyone understands that collaboration at work is a good thing for an effective business, which is one reason why (according to HBR) collaborative practices in business have risen by over 50% in the past two decades. This is also because we live and work in an...

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Why choose Gestalt organisational development?

Why choose Gestalt organisational development?

When leaders want to make their organisations more efficient in realising strategic goals, many of them resort to behaviourist, carrot-and-stick approaches. However, there’s a big problem: despite all the scientific-sounding talk of “measurable” KPIs and clearly...

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The art of managing people who are smarter than you 2

The art of managing people who are smarter than you 2

Today’s managers can’t afford the arrogant “I’m-the-all-knowing-boss” narcissism of an earlier generation, a stance always laced with the fear of humiliation should the inevitable pockets of ignorance be exposed. The art of management today is about drawing out the...

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All change for employee behaviour at M&S

All change for employee behaviour at M&S

Saved from financial collapse a few years ago by good management, M&S is one of the UK’s most successful retailers and now it’s about to embark on an interesting new initiative. M&S has decided to try and halve its energy use over the next five years – largely...

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