Everyone understands that collaboration at work is a good thing for an effective business, which is one reason why (according to HBR) collaborative practices in business have risen by over 50% in the past two decades. This is also because we live and work in an...
Tag: behaviour
Why choose Gestalt organisational development?
When leaders want to make their organisations more efficient in realising strategic goals, many of them resort to behaviourist, carrot-and-stick approaches. However, there’s a big problem: despite all the scientific-sounding talk of “measurable” KPIs and clearly...
What to do when your decision making mojo deserts you, Part Two
Pause. Reflect. Choose. Three words packed with potential. It’s my contention that when coaching executives to pause, reflect and choose, you're not teaching them anything new. You're bringing previously active and now-dormant knowledge back into the crisp light of...
The art of managing people who are smarter than you 2
Today’s managers can’t afford the arrogant “I’m-the-all-knowing-boss” narcissism of an earlier generation, a stance always laced with the fear of humiliation should the inevitable pockets of ignorance be exposed. The art of management today is about drawing out the...
Decision-making, behaviour change and thinking about thinking (Part 1)
There’s a curious fact about decision-making: most of us often make the wrong ones. If you’re trying to decide what to order at a restaurant, the consequences probably won’t be that severe. However, if you’re in a leadership role and you’re trying to enhance employee...
All change for employee behaviour at M&S
Saved from financial collapse a few years ago by good management, M&S is one of the UK’s most successful retailers and now it’s about to embark on an interesting new initiative. M&S has decided to try and halve its energy use over the next five years – largely...

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