Working from home (WFH). It’s now a well-known, accepted acronym in UK-wide organisations. We know what it is, and what it means. But does it impact productivity at work? These three letters, with their dramatic impact on our personal and professional lives, have...
Tag: Workplace Productivity
Creating an engaged workforce
Before we look at ways to create an engaged workforce, last week we talked about the importance of employee engagement, including what the phrase means and some of the tangible advantages it can bring to any organisation. Here, we will go through a practical...
Three tips for improving office morale
Every manager knows that morale is key to a successful business. After all, happy, engaged people who enjoy their jobs and get on well with their colleagues put in that extra ten per cent, meaning a better quality of output and higher productivity. There are indirect...
Workplace productivity and awareness: Part Two
In Part One of this series, I concluded with the apparently baffling observation that while individual employee productivity and awareness may be excellent, it simply doesn’t automatically translate at the organisational level, which can in reality be zero or even...
Workplace productivity and the need for awareness: Part One
If somebody asked you for a one-sentence definition of workplace productivity, there is a good chance you would probably reply that productivity is the quantity of value produced divided by the time or cost needed to do so. It’s a serviceable enough definition, but...