Tag: behaviour change

Why viral change sustains new behaviours

Why viral change sustains new behaviours

Large scale organisational change often fails to deliver the economic or cultural improvements promised. This blog examines the issues and how a viral change approach strategically prioritises behaviours to deliver a different outcome.

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How personal risk impacts behaviour change

How personal risk impacts behaviour change

Among the science on how personal risk impacts behaviour change in psychology is the view that its likelihood of happening is a combination of intention, attitude and environmental factors, such as the prevailing social norms that govern whether we stand to gain or...

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Relational Agility

Relational Agility

Change, like culture, is created through people and how they operate in the workplace. Relational Agility is a view of organisational change that places our relationship with ourselves, with others and with our environment at the heart of our ability to successfully...

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Is remote working damaging our adaptability to change?

Is remote working damaging our adaptability to change?

Is remote working damaging our adaptability to change? Anyone who has studied neuroscience will quickly tell you that multiple studies have shown that loneliness and social isolation can harm our ability to learn and adapt. In humans, our cognitive function becomes...

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